Joined: 23th December 2019
Owning cards: 0 Cards worth: 0 Masteries: You have not mastered any decks yet! Last Updated: May 29, 2023
Level: Stunning (8) Next Level: at 3001 worth
Referral: saya
Welcome to Saya's tradepost dedicated to Gleam, which is the TCG dedicated to bi/shonen, in few words we can say this is the tcg dedicated to boys and men from anime, manga and video games that were produced in Japan.
If you are intrested to trade with me you can check my trade pile and then go to my trade form to request some. Thank you for passing by.
Stamp Cards
Completed: 40 | Turned in: 40 Bishie2 #1 - 5/5 (num: 40) | Bishie2 #2 - 0/10 (num: 50)| Bishie2 #3 - 0/15 (num: 65)
If you want to see the sorted cards they are here