Joined: 2nd January 2021
Owning cards: 4152
Masteries: 137
RE-masteries: 26
Last Updated: October 20, 2021
Level: Seafoam (15)
Next Level: at 4401 cards

Referral: saya

Color Pop

Welcome to Saya's tradepost dedicated to Color Pop, which is the TCG dedicated to Anime/Manga Characters, in few words we can say this is the tcg dedicated to characters from anime and manga and video games, so mostly it s about Japanese media.
Do not forget to use me as referral if you decide to join this TCG.
If you are intrested to trade with me you can check my trade pile and then go to my trade form to request some. Thank you for passing by.



326 (+4 fom petals)

Event Cards